Digging For Fire
A mishmash of memories around the ups and downs of the Limerick band scene in the early 1990s on RTE Radio 1.
Digging For Fire by composer Daragh Dukes along with radio producers Eoin O’Kelly and Kevin Brew.
Daragh and Kevin used to be in the band called They Do It With Mirrors. Eoin was formerly the lead singer of The Hitchers. I became familiar with these bands while living in Limerick during my time at art school in the late 80s early 90s.
Eoin asked if he could use one of my Limerick photographs to represent an audio piece the trio performed at the Hearsay International Audio Arts Festival in 2019. The image is of a figure standing by a smoldering bonfire in bleak surroundings. Eoin describes the image best in their audio piece and how it lead him to reflect on this particular time of youthful creativity.
The three amigos decided to make a radio documentary based on their performance at the Hearsay festival. You can listen to it here. It’s an honest, poignant story of the many twists and turns their lives took while pursuing their music dream.
Eoin asked me if I would like to talk about my time in Limerick and my photograph. I'm elated to have a small part in this documentary. It was such an influential time in my life when everything changed as I was exploring my passion for creativity full time.
They asked myself and my husband Micky ‘Pixelated’ to help them with their promotional artwork. The only image they could find of the three of them was in Limerick Leader newspaper archive. In the early 90’s bands, posters were generally made by hand then photocopied.
The yellow coloured paper would have been used extensively as it was cheap and readily available. Micky found a font similar to the Letterset one he would have used in the early 90s. He also created a couple of short video clips to highlight the show.
Digging For Fire
Short clip created by Pixelated to promote Digging For Fire radio documentary